23 March 2007
hello guys...yup so we did it. agaisnt all odds and circumstances we did it! we might just one of the most successfull classes for this years Learning Carnival. The successes we have gained throughout the entire learning carnival just goes to show what we can achieve together as a class, instead of remaining divided and having no class spirit.
The catapult - even though we didn't win it, it is a symbol of the determination and teamwork we (in particular justin ian and kahwai) can all possess if we set our targets, aim high and pour our heart and soul into turning a dream into a reality. If you told other classes that we only had 2 days to make a catapult - they would say its impossible. Nothing is impossible. Remember, IMPOSSIBLE = I'M POSSIBLE.
To our successes, we won the cheer com and lit evening as we all know. The cheer com was prepared last minute and in short notice, yet we overcame other classes, and overcame the odds to win this. and i know that for this cheer com, everyone worked together and participated actively. so this shows us that we can do anything as a class - really anything! only if we choose to cooperate and help each other, to contribute our strengths to cover other's weakness. us winning the cheer com shows us what we can acheive on short term notice
what about the lit evening? us winning the lit evening despite all the other classes having really humurous skits shows us what we can do long term - we have been working on the lit evening for ages. and i'm proud to see that all the actors and actresses pulled through and peservered all the way. and thxs for sacrificing the time to come down during ur saturday to rehearse :D
remember what ms leow said on monday? she said she was really disappointed with our class, saying this is the first time she has seen such a disunited class. before that, i would agree with her - however perhaps it was that "speech" of hers which probably motivated us to aim higher and attempt to have class spirit. and we did not let her and mr wong down, because now we have won 2 events, both which required the active cooperation of everyone in the class. and im sure that we have made ms leow proud because we have made such a sudden and amazing bounceback, from being considered a class with "no class spirit", to the class which won the cheer competition (enthusiasm and class unity) and the lit evening skit (teamwork and cooperation). and i'm sure we've made mr wong proud too, of being the form teacher of our class - because this is his first form class in zhss, and his first form class wins all these stuff.
but as i have said previously, winning isnt everything. results and successes are only text on paper. it is the process which arrive to this result, and how much we have changed and grown (or matured). i've seen those which have been considered "outcast" by many people take charge and become someone of respect. and i've seen people who once did not even bother to listen to certain people, listen to the same certain people, and treat them with respect for who they are and for the unique talents they possess, even though they may be worlds apart. for once too, i've seen a group of people who once scorned another for "immature things", but have now laughed along with them and have admired them for the talent to do such previously considered "immature things"
this past 2 days, i think, have really brought us closer together, and allowing us to examine ourselves - the lit evening plus cheer com, and i think the drama appreciation thing. instead of seeing ourselves as "the class with lot of people at extreme ends of personality", we have seen ourselves as "the class with a wide diversity of talents". everyone is good and bad at something - some are good in academic, but weak in drama, while others are extremely gifted in drama but not too good in academics. as a class, we are able to fill up these weaknesses within one another if we work together. to put it simply, the class is like 2 shapes with many grooves and hindges, alone unable to accomplish anything because of its peculiar shape. but when put together, it makes a whole complete circle.
i think now, at this point of time, we can safely say that yes, 4e4 is a united class, 4e4 is a resilient class and 4e4 is a class we ought to be proud of. but inevtiably, this unity will slowly but surely die out. but we must remember what we can acheive together and always be proactive to draw the class together once again. as the o levels draw closer and closer, the workload and stress will increase. there will be less time to spend time with one another, and instead more stress will be upon us. we will end up competing against one another, enemy agaisnt enemy, friend agaisnt friend. however, we must never lose this class spirit we have, because the world is a cruel one alone, and in times when we lowest, it is this class spirit which can drive us on.
so basically, congrats to everyone for making a name of 4e4!
-The Cast of Literary Evening 2007-
Fangying - Main character
Justin - Main character
Amanda - Main character
WanZhen - Main character
WeiNing - Main character
Jonathan - Main Character
Aw Su
Xin Yi
Fangying - Overall Director/Scriptwriter/Proof-reader
Jonathan - Overall Director/Editor
Cassandra - Director of Light and Sound/Music
Sophia - Assistance
Germaine - Lights
Felicia - Sound/Music
Xin Yi
Clement - Recorded the skit
Total number of people involved : 18
- Creativity Challenge 2007 -
Kah Wai
Jaslin - Class Tee management
Everyone Else - For your enthusuiasm
If I have missed anyone out, tell me.
this is a random piece of scrap paper...
19 March 2007
lit evening people please stay back on wednesday for rehearsal. props please try to get it done by then except for the fridge
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jaslin here =D
we will be getting our class t-shirt tml!
what if i dont turn out nice?!?
anyway, i wanna thank the class for rmbering to bring the thirteen dollars.
we will get to wear our class t-shirt duting learning carnival!
thriple yay!
yay! yay! yay!
i guess miss leow is very dissappointed in us.
she look really sad and tired when i went to ask her for the thirteen dollars.
uh huh.
stop wondering whether she is upset because i ask money from her.
she look rich to me.
the class shld thank ian,justin,kah wai
for taking up the challenge and represent the class in math and science challenge
and taking up part of the blame for the class.
i think they are not aware that they are responsible for doing the catupult so they didn do it.
its a very last minute thing, lets just hope tt the final product will turn out well.
class, pls help them as much as possible.
The class cheer is almost done.
4e4 will win the cheer comp!
one last thing, jont, stop thinking tt ppl will accuse u of slacking if u didnt do everything.
u did ur part already and
if u didnt slack, nobody will say lah.
this is a random piece of scrap paper...
13 March 2007
this is a random piece of scrap paper...
11 March 2007
Oh and by the way, cheers Jonathan for deleting that post. I thought it was quite interesting really, about as worth my time as it is to read about why Britney Spears shaved her head. Oh and regarding that post and to whoever posted it, I've got a few points to clear up.
1. I'm not American, just because I live in America, doesn't mean I'm american.
2. Jin Kai, not jingkai
3. If you got that much time, spend it on something more constructive, like maybe studying for your english or something, maybe you could improve on your spelling
this is a random piece of scrap paper...
this is a random piece of scrap paper...
Congrats on making it to the Lit Evening finals. Wish you guys the best of luck! =)
this is a random piece of scrap paper...
10 March 2007
ok congratulations to us, and a huge thank you to all who helped out in one way or another. i think this is good for us, because now we have proven to mr wong and ms leow that as a class we can accomplish things, so yes keep up the good work
literature evening is on 23 march...that is a few weeks from now. i admit that we scraped through the auditions, BARELY. so we must rehearse FULL STEAM AHEAD.
props - i will send the dude/dudette in charge of the props soon. gather up ur men (women actually) and try to get it done
actresses/actors - get ready for rehearsals. u wont mind during the holidays? we dont have a choice anyway =/ unless u have cca then its ok :D
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P.S If you guys want your post to remain here, sign off with your name. I don't care how long u took to type the post or how much effort you put in, and i dont care whether the post is very nice or not..even if the post contains stuff which i feel the class should read (this post didnt contain any of these btw...im just stating an example), if there is no name to sign it off, it will be deleted.
this is a random piece of scrap paper...
09 March 2007
ok the auditions are over...and although i wished we had done better...i think we tried our best
special thanks to the actors and actresses for doing their best in acting and memorising
and special thanks to fangying for writing the script! 3 cheers to all!!
some random pics...
officer chen lol
anyway basically i can say im proud? haha dunno if thats the right word...proud of the class..yeah im proud of the class because you all managed to squeeze a full-fledged 15 min play in the span of 3 days. truth be told on tuesday i already gave up and i told someone (our class) that we should just walkover cos i thought we wouldnt even get a cast by friday...well you all proved me wrong and went ahead not only to get a cast by the next day,...but even managed to get the play up and running. so yes thank you everyone who helped out in one way or another..whether its a big thing from writing the script, to a simple thing like helping make fake money. every little bit helps.
what makes this lit evening exceptionally special for us is because i saw people from completely different cliques work together, cooperate, and accept each other for who they are..i know the class...we have a WIDE range of talents...we have super "left brain" people...we also have super damn good actors and drama people (aka right brain)....we all have our own talents...and today instead of the usual "i shall hang out with the people like me" attitude and the "wah that other group sibei irritating" attitude, i saw people who were completely different coming together to make this play a success. i dunno...but perhaps maybe...today some enemies became friends...or even if a friendship wasnt made...more importantly i hope that the border and misunderstandings were gone. today...for the first time in a very long time...we all accomplished something as a whole 4e4...with everyone from all sorts of personalities and talents contributing in one way or another. so for that...thank you and i'm confident we all can continue to keep up this 4e4 spirit. it doesnt matter whether we get through or not..because personally i think its more important we build up this class spirit in our final year, instead of winning but with so much internal conflict within us. so i think we have already won because we have built some class spirit.
this is our final year. after this, some of you may never see from and hear from each other ever again. you might not hear from me again, i might not hear from you again. so as this last year slowly approaches the end, we must treasure every minute of time we have together. work together to have some happy memories. because after this year...its the end. we'll all move on with our lives, and we may not have time to catch up with one another. and as time passes, the links will be weaker and weaker. so we must spend the rest of our time happily and together as a class so that we will have some memorable events for us to remember. and in future in the darkest hours, you can recall these happy memories and maybe it will soothe you down and keep you going.
so yeah...thats about it...
this is a random piece of scrap paper...
08 March 2007
People please check your email....i have emailed you all the scripts plus a little briefing. for conveinience sake...i shall post the briefing here.
Kudos to Fangying for slugging her guts out for the script ^^
ok guys. tommorow is the day (i'll use the word 'big day' only if we make it fo finals)....actually i didnt beleive we would make it....but after seeing how much we've progressed we might stand a good chance. whether we make it through or not, it doesnt really matter because at least now we know that the class is able to cooperate and work together despite having many differences. and realising that together as a class is more important than winning this thing...but of course winning this thing will reinforce this bond.
so on to important things...tonight...
read ur script. memorise, highlight etc. AND PRINT! i know you all have lit test. me too....fy too...everyone has it. and we're still memorising our lines. so play your part and dun screw up all the effort everyone has put in.
secondly, BRING YOUR CHARACTERS CLOTHES. if you're acting as the landlady, wear smething more conservative. if your acting as a hobo hippie...wear something hobbo hippe. basically wear something which shows the personality of your character. i leave it to your own discretion on what you deem appropriate. but NO SCHOOL UNIFORM!
thirdly, timing has yet to be confirmed...i'll get back to you about that one. i'll announce tmr but i can predict it will be 5+
fourthly, all of you involved....after lit test take a quick lunch and come for rehearsal. remember we have no rehearsal yet and we cannot afford to enter blindly. this is our one and only rehearsal. so tmr cooperate. if you have cca, excuse yourselves...saying you need to take part in annual literary evening. if you really cannot make it (which i hope not)....tell your understudy TONIGHT! CALL HIM/HER NOW and inform him/her to get a script and bring clothes. and consider yourself out of the cast INCLUDING the final's cast (assuming we make it)
fifthly....props people. bring whatever you deem neccesary. read the script and whatever you think will be appropriate...bring it. and we need your help for chairs and tables
we can do this ok...so good luck 2 you all!
T ogether
E ach
A cheives
M ore
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this is a random piece of scrap paper...
ok in response to an increasing rush of posts
i'm glad people are finally posting. BUT all of you posting anonymously. and thats bad...simply put a bunch of people are abusing the "rules" i stated...i stated that as long as theres nothing indecent or insultive...its accepted. but now i realise some people are abusing this rule. whether to flame the person or not...i don't know. simply put...all the anonymouse posts (including non offensive ones) have been directed all to one person. please be more sensitive
so i have no choice but to implement this :
from now onwards...EVERY (YES EVERY) post in this blog MUST be signed off...meaning at the end of the post, you put your name to indicate who the hell you are. any post with no name to show who wrote the post WILL BE DELETED WHETHER OR NOT ITS PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE. SO EVEN IF YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING FOR THE CLASS LIKE "PLEASE REMEMBER TO DO YOU AMATH HW"....if there's no name to say who you are i will delete it anyway.
bottom line - no indication of who you are = deleted whether or not its for the better of everyone.
so please sign off...and dun bother impersonating.
need an example on how to sign off? like this -
this is a random piece of scrap paper...
06 March 2007
i take back what i said about cooperation teamwork because i know it wont be done.
this is a random piece of scrap paper...
05 March 2007
i hope that all this nonsense will clear up ok. please no flaming.
anyway i will send u all an email of the lit evening script shortly
jaslin please get the class tees ready soon. if you cant pull through, get jerseys.
this is a random piece of scrap paper...
03 March 2007
Attention to all readers. Please note that all those sick posts like the masturbation one is not by me, in case you are wondering. Anyways, this goes to show that someone is as sick/sicker than me.
this is a random piece of scrap paper...